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March Newsletter

In between the many showers, we get a glimpse of yellow, brightening our dull gardens. Spring is on its way! New beginnings, which bring me to the AGM. So here is the latest from the Committee.

Committee Members 2024

President​​​ Jack Cummings
Vice President​​ Jean Feltham
Chairman​​​ Rob Dolton
Secretary​​​ Chick Adams
Treasurer​​​ Len Benton

Committee Members

Graham Bradshaw
Fred Broomfield
Eileen Elloway
Sue Green
Nik Hancock
Linda Jacobs
Sandie Murray
Chris Ralph
Vic Sara
Richard Smith
Jerry Wahlberg
Dave Young

A reasonable turnout for the AGM with 73 attendees out of the 550 Members. The accounts show that we had a £15,000 profit despite spending some £40,000 on repairs and maintenance.

Staff Recruiting

As many of you already know we are losing two members of Staff! Donna is going to The Worthies and taking up a higher position and Jadie has been offered more hours at her daytime job. Of course, we will be sorry to see them go, but totally understand. However, we now have two positions to fill!!
So if anyone knows of anyone who are interested in a full or pastime position then please let Gary know.

Charity for 2024

Our chosen Charity for 2024 will be The Stroke Association.

Live Rugby
Saturday 16th March on the Big Screen. 3 matches:

14.15​​ Wales v Italy
16.45​​ Ireland v Scotland
20.00 ​​France v England


Monday afternoons and Sunday Evenings.


2nd Wednesday in the Month. Lounge Bar 8pm start. Hosted by Sue Hume.


Although we have a lot of snooker players and I do mean a lot, we never have any News from them anymore!!


News from Colin. The Bowls Club’s last Winter function is on 15th March and will be another popular “Skittles Evening” with supper. Numbers are strictly limited. Forms available from the Bar Staff.

Afternoon Tea Dances

Don Messingham will be running the Tea Dances on Wednesday afternoons
when there are no planned functions.


I have to apologies for the last Entertainment. Our Act who came from Eastbourne, arrived late and eventually discovered that they didn’t have their Mic’s. They took one 30 min break, but in fairness they did play on after their time when most people had already left. Totally out of my control, in future I will be making sure that it doesn’t happen again. Attendance that night wasn’t good, so the Act spent quite a lot of the evening singing to an empty Churchill Room. Disheartening I would imagine! We have come to the conclusion that more people come when it’s a food night!

I have been looking into a Comedy Night, not cheap and we will probably have to sell tickets. Nik and I are still working on the Race night, but I can assure you it will happen!

Saturday 2nd March…………………………….David Howes…Brilliant
Saturday 30th March…………………………….The Jay’s………With Food..
​​​​​​​​ Easter Special!!

Unfortunately, I can’t give you the Dates for April yet, as I am waiting confirmation. As soon as I can it will be on the Notice Board and on Your
Local. Incidentally, ‘Your Local’ is a good way of getting the Club News on your phone or tablet.

That’s all for now!

​​​​​​​​​Sandie M.