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Race Night
Friday 9th August starting at 7pm. Owners and Jockeys are available to buy at the Club.
£5 per Owner and £3 per Jockey with a payout of 50% of takings for that Race with the remainder going to our chosen Charity (Stroke Association).
Choose any Owner or Jockey from any race, put your Name next to the Owner/Jockey number you want and in the second column, make up a name for the horse and/or Jockey.
Add the amount up and put into the small brown envelope with your name, jockey and/or owner race number and place into the ‘Membership Comment Box’.
Individual tickets for Betting Purposes will be sold on the night at £1 per ticket.
Otelli’s Kitchen will be open between 5pm and 6.45pm with the first Race at 7pm. PLEASE CLICK ON THE FOOD AND DRINK TAB FOR THE MENU.